
If you’re unlucky enough to be involved in a road traffic accident or another traumatic event, then you might well have suffered physical harm. But what about the injuries that you can’t see?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety condition that’s triggered by exposure to a frightening event such as combat, an accident or a harrowing incident. It can last for a few months, or affect someone for years. PTSD isn’t an indeterminate syndrome: there are defined analytical criteria that should be met in order to make a diagnosis.

Following a car accident, you might feel anxious or nervous about traveling in a vehicle again. You might have suffered PTSD as a result of a workplace incident and feel that your livelihood is at risk if you can’t return to your job.

PTSD can affect your sleep and cause flashbacks to the traumatic event. You might experience social, occupational or emotional impairment as a result of your symptoms.

Making a claim for PTSD can be complicated. To do so successfully needs an attorney who knows this complex area of law in meticulous detail. Cross-disciplinary medical evidence from the right type of experts is essential to establishing your case.

There are other factors: the state you live in is one of them. In addition, the laws regulating this area are prone to change, sometimes in direct response to major scale incidents that affect large numbers of people and first responders.

If some of this information resonates with you, it’s worth learning that according to the National Center for PTSD, one in 11 people will be diagnosed with PTSD at some point during their lifetime.

Here at Bighorn Law, we place as much emphasis on supporting our clients as we do on winning their case. Bighorn’s compassionate and thorough approach to every claim is part of our steadfast commitment to delivering justice for every client.

If you need to speak to an attorney, we’re here 24/7, and we’re here to help you.